Emergency phone numbers
Government contact center - tel. 15-45
The rapid response service of the executive committee of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council tel. 15-80, 75-15-80 Grushevskogo st. 21 room 107 +380670101580 +380500101580 (Oral appeals of citizens, proposals, complaints)
Public utility enterprise "Ivano-Frankivskvodoekotekhprom" Botanical st. 2
(24/7 service of external networks of cold water supply and sanitation) CEO Saevych M. B. tel. 75-91-42 Traffic controller tel. 15-86 Subscription service tel.75-92-84; tel. 15-88
State City Enterprise «Ivano-Frankivskteplokomunenergo» B. Khmelnytskii str, 59А
(24/7 service of external networks of hot water supply, the steam tunnels from boilerhouses of State City Enterprise «Ivano-Frankivskteplokomunenergo», house heating systems of buildings of districts № 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, partly of districts No. 5) acting CEO Rushchak V. S. tel.6-35-11 Traffic controller tel.15 -82; tel.6-47-82
Subscription service tel. 50-62-00;
"Stanislavska thermal power company LTD" Industrial st.34A (24/7 service of steam tunnels from the boilerhouse on Industrialnaya St.34A) CEO Melnyk S.P. tel. 59-46-34 Traffic controller tel. 59-45-33 Subscription service tel. 52-56-93, t. 52-56-94
Executive Committee for the operation of gas facilities Lenkavskogo st., 20 (All gas supply issues) Director Marych V.F. tel. 50-96-66 Traffic controller tel.104, t. 78-52-37 Information service of natural gas calculations tel. 59-11-04
Ivano-Frankivsk district of electric networks Maxymovycha st., 7 (maintenance of electric networks) Director Polish V.V. tel. 6-84-91 call-center Joint Stock Company "Prykarpattyaoblenergo" tel. 59-40-20 Hotline in case of electric power stealing tel. 71-08-85
State City Enterprise "Misksvitlo" Pobutova st., 7 (Maintenance of outdoor lighting networks and traffic lights of the city) Director Synyshyn V.I. tel.78-94-43 Traffic controller tel. 54-24-63, t. 75-08-88
public utility enterprise "Municipal Investment Management Company" Independence str., 161 (management and maintenance of the housing stock, which is on the balance of the enterprise - districts number 1-10) Director Juss M.D. tel. 75-10-43; Hotline tel. 75-06-00
Pasichna-IF Company LTD Halytska str., 100 (24/7 maintenance of house electrical systems, partly heating, structural elements of buildings and cleaning of the adjoining areas of district number 5, emergency service - during non-working hours, house systems of hot and cold water supply, sewage systemof district №5) Director Lytvynenko I.S. tel. 54-41-10 Traffic controller t. 067-340-7526, 067-340-7536
Private Enterprise “Specialized repair and construction management" Prykarpatlift "
E. Konovaltsia str., 229 (serves elevators in the houses of the districts No. -2, 6, 7, 9, Housing and Construction Departments) Director Petruk I.L. tel.77-13-04 Traffic controller tel. 73-27-01
Public Joint Stock Company "OTIS" Hrushevskogo str., 22a (serves elevators in the houses of districts No. -3, 4, 5) Director Mykuliak A.I. tel. 71-01-37 Traffic controller tel. 0-800-501-901
Open Joint-Stock Company "Automobile Enterprise 0928" Maximovich str., 11
(removal of solid household and oversized waste from the territories of the districts No. 1; 3; 4; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10) Director Vasylechko M.Z. tel.6-84-39 Traffic controller tel. 6-77-77 Subscription service tel. 6-27-33
public utility enterprise "Poligon" Viiskovyh Veteraniv str., 10A (Stray animals Control Service and maintenance of a landfill of solid household waste) Director Moroz Yu. A. tel. 50-73-88
Emergency Management Administration Dnistrovska st., 30 Director Vlizlo. tel. 53-24-00 hotline 53-44-33
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